Profesional Services
All our engineers are certified by National Instruments, we have Certified Architects in LabVIEW & TestStand from National Instruments. So in case you need to take a corrective action or a development from scratch you have access to the best team of engineers in the market.

Test Engineering Solutions
Day by day the market is growing and becoming more challenging, products require a better time to market. Turnkey automated test systems require design experts, top level engineering team in software development, project management and a good sourcing staff play a determining role in getting a successful project done.

Replication Services
Bandwidth comes in play sometimes when peak production becomes challenging, we will help you manage the project. Whether is one station or a high number of replications, we will work as an extension of your internal team and help you to get the job done.

Engineering Design
Whether you need Design for Manufacturing processes or Design for Test, with us you’ll have access to experienced designers. Take a chance to let us know your specifications and we’ll help you to get return of investment with the best strategy available.

In Circuit Test
In the area of ICT we have engineers with extensive experience to provide a quality service in: Debugging and Digital Test Development, Custom Digital Cluster Development, Custom Libraries Development, Powered Test Development, 1149.1 Boundary Scan and Cover Extend Technology.
About Us
Reckon Solution is a world-class company in Test Engineering solutions with solid group of extensive expertise, know-how, multi industry and key technology partner with industries like automotive, consumer electronics, telecommunications, aerospace and medical.
Quality Policy
At Reckon Solution we develop, manufacture and offer consulting on functional testing systems for the manufacturing of technological products. Complying with the requirements and capabilities requested by clients through a professional and structured agreement within the established times. We are committed to continually developing and executing actions that improve the company’s quality system, as well as complying with legal and regulatory requirements.
Mision & Vision
Our Mission is to provide high-quality and cost effective engineering services, applying modern technologies to meet the needs of our customers.
Our Vision is to be a world class company in test engineering and technological solutions and build the best group with the expertise Technologies of National Instruments on Mexico.